I’m pleased and somewhat stunned to report that EARTH UNAWARE, which I cowrote with Orson Scott Card is a New York Times, USA TODAY, and Publisher’s Weekly bestseller. It hit number 14 on the New York Times and stayed on the list for a total of three weeks. Not bad. Our editor at TOR was as thrilled as we were.
Initially, when the book hit the lists, I was told to expect it to drop off in a single week because science fiction simply doesn’t have any staying power. It flares up and burns out fast apparently in terms of hardcover sales. Well, that proved not to be the case, and I’m still kind of reeling from the thrill of it. We were fortunate to get some very solid reviews for the book, and I can’t thank the reviewers enough. And of course a big thank you to everyone who purchased the book and encouraged their friends to do the same. Bless you.