My day job is leading Brand Entertainment at Chick-fil-A at the company’s headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. I love this brand. And I love the people I get to work with.
The Chick-fil-A Cows have been a staple of the brand’s advertising efforts for decades, be it on television commercials or on billboards across the country with the Cows spreading their “Eat mor chikin” message in the hopes of convincing people to stop eating hamburgers. It’s a rather provocative approach to selling chicken, but it works and the cows are one of the reasons why so many people have such affection for the brand.

When I came on board about a year and a half ago the question was: How do we take all of the equity that is in the CFA cows and make them even more relatable and entertaining outside of traditional advertising? And so three cow characters were born: Daisy, the brains and de-facto leader of the group; Sarge, the muscle and braun of the trio; and Carrots, the innocent, happy-go-lucky tag-along with a heart of gold and a slight dose of cluelessness. I adore each of these characters, and it’s been a joy to bring them to life.
Our latest animated short written by me and Mallory Everton has the Cows going on a fast-paced highway adventure. Check it out.